History of HTMLGuy, and Versatilty Werks
Everyone starts somewhere. Check out my portfolio to see recent work.
A young HTMLGuy
This picture was taken shortly after registering my first company "Versatility Werks".
My First Logo
This first draft of the Versatility Werks logo was only used for a short time.
First website. Notice the ad on the side for my photography business. You can still see some of my photos on National Geographic.
Logo Redesign
This second version of the logo was in service from 2010-2011 in various forms.
First Business Cards
Spent some time on VistaPrint.com and had these puppies printed up.
VersWerks.com 2nd Version
My second website added a video portfolio to the homepage. These were dark times.
VersWerks.com 3rd Version
Finished the 3rd iteration of the website.
VersWerks.com 4th Version Mockup
Started designing a new site and upped my game with certifications and accreditation!
Gladiator Hosting Partnership
A hosting provider liked what I was doing and partnered with me to provide hosting for my clients and advertising for my services.
Final Logo Design
In 2011, I upgraded to this stylish and modern logo, which I stuck with until closing shop in 2018.
VersWerks.com 4th Version
Finished the 4th iteration of the website.
We migrated to Port Charlotte, FL to escape the cold Minnesota winters.
2nd Business Cards
I came up with the idea of putting my listing first on Google and was excited to get the business cards printed up. Unfortunately, they were a bit "busy" so people rarely noticed.
VersWerks.com 5th Version
Started to really focus on responsive/mobile-friendly design.
FLWebsites.biz 6th Version
In an effort to improve SEO and make my domain easier to remember, I switched from verswerks.com to FLWebsites.biz.
2013 Holiday Sale
The verswerks.com homepage advertising a holiday sale.
FLWebsites.biz 7th Version
Another site redesign.
Full-time position with Chargebacks911
I moved to Clearwater, FL and started a full-time position at Chargebacks911 where I worked for several years allowing my business to stagnate. During this time I worked with a great team and held several titles from Web Developer to Senior Software Engineer and Team Lead.
I knew I wanted to get my development business going again and saw an opportunity to acquire HTMLGuy.com. Learning from my mistake with Versatility Werks, I went with something very industry-specific. I mocked up this sample logo and a very talented designer from Canada created the version you see today.
HTMLGuy, one or many?
I fought with myself on how to approach the issue of enterprise clients not taking my company seriously with a singular name like HTMLGuy. So I originally had the designer working to create a logo that showed me with a team of other programmers. Eventually, I decided to embrace the individuality of HTMLGuy to eliminate confusion.
Character design
I was so happy with the designer's work, I asked him to create characters I could use on my website.
Versatility Werks closed
Versatility Werks closed it's doors in early 2018 so I could focus on a new partnership, and in preparation for HTMLGuy.com's launch. This is a final screenshot of the site at that point.
HTMLGuy.com Mockup
Initial design for the homepage.
HTMLGuy.com is live
Launched HTMLGuy.com on October 1st 2018!
Started at OfficeDepot
Started a full-time position as a Software Architect at OfficeDepot headquarters.